Friday, September 3, 2010

First Step To The New Public Library

Today early in the morning the weather is cloudy and cold.After that, a heavy rain is strike at my school. In class i just watch the rain is falling and have a poker games with my friends. In our class only a number of students present only. Nothing special but we have a fun moment when play the card games. direct to the point, today LTC, Qiang, Tzong and I have planning to visit the new public library..but unfortunately ming suddenly say he want didn't discuss with us and suddenly say you wanna join..(ming, need discuss with us maa, dont suddenly say wanna join...and dont always repeat the question because i also will fed up with the repetition question =P)

The new public library is really good with marvelous facilities and bla bla bla...( nothing to say..haha) We go there do nilam untill October and about an hour we are done.

After that we go to the bazar to look for the local food..many food sell at there such as char kuih, mi goreng, ayam golek, my favourite kuih,karipap, and many..after buy the food and drinks, we go to the dataran. Sit at there, enjoy our food and drinks and 'menghayati the beauty'( haha..XD)..

Then we go home and I online and found out that vun ming still struggling in creating or designing his blog..doesn't mean that i don't want help you but I really don't know the thing that you ask..zzz
and then shi vern ask me to update the blog...i mean now and now i still writing.....writing.....writing......writing =P
That's all from me...( nah Vun Ming, read this, maybe this can help you get more idea to do blog? =P) (nah lin gan lai liao...ahh lin gan...ahh lin gan lai liao...lai lin gan....lin gan lai liao...XD)