Friday, January 8, 2010

Tiring Day

Ya!!!! Long time no update my blog...haiz, school first week has over, but i feel the tougher thing will come one by one. I need do some preparation to face the incoming challenge,ya!!! Be a man!! Today so tired as i come back to school, help teacher john to rearrange the table for whole class in sm st. anthony. Luckily i have some friends to help me, Thanks!!! my friend!!!

Somebody has not come to help us as HE said HE probably will come, but i cant see even his shadow...=P hehe....Today my mood have broke by my best friend early in the morning. Early in the morning he showed us sour face, i try to advise him, but still...he never listen even one word, haiz...already normal to me because he never listen my advise from form 4 too...hope he dont feel sad just because of ehem ehem thingy...:)