Wednesday, December 30, 2009


yaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Today so happy as today is my last day work from labuan supermarket...i feel relax and try to do some evil planning such as play game till late night and watch videos.....wakaka....although the work is tiring but it was fun because i can make some friends from supermarket's staff...especially boys lah because i seldom talk with girl staffs...hehe...ok! Now, lets talk about shi vern, did u really dont have secret? I feel weird because everybody got secret maa...and kalvin, 2nd january no students come to decorate bilik gerakan....its depend on you whether you want go or not...and good luck with your planning....pikat ehem ehem....wakakakakakakakakakakak XD!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

dont know want write what...

hi...looks like many day i didn'tupdate my blog...haiz...busy with my, dont know want write dont know my friend still angry or not but i hope she will forget this thing...thats all for today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

be happy,my friend!!!!

hi...this 2 day not update my blog as i'm busy i realised my friend is angry someone...haiz...dont angry happy...:)...i dont want my friend be angry as it not good for us...haha....i will feel sad as you still angry now...come on, be happy...forget that thing ...look for tomorrow...tomorrow will better than today...wakaka...while kalvin, why so fast off your computer? boring leh...quick on your computer, we need more friend to comfort our friend that is still angry!!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


today is my tiring day as i come back from i chat with shi vern liao finally because yesterday i play games untill forgot to chat with my friends..sorry!!!Untill now i still feel interest at shi vern's secret but her secret is too forbidden or what...same with stainley fu...his secret also hard to figured at facebook, kalvin is not my top friend liao...and he feel sad? LOL!!!!kalvin today still...shy about the thing that i mentioned...hehe...u maybe know...u can check it out at facebook the social interview that posted at kalvin's profile...find it out and u will know the answer already...kalvin, same advice: dont too shy and brave to say it out your feeling...wish you all the best,my friend!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


today is so sad as kalvin ask me to delete my precious post because he said that the post too obvious to figured out the girl he loved...haiz...but nevermind because kalvin also is my friend...if my friend need help, i will try my best to help them...kalvin, dont be too shy bah...there nothing to shy about it...many people also know too..haha...=P

Thursday, December 3, 2009


i'm new here!!!

