Friday, August 13, 2010

Sad story about my friend

Yo..long time didn't update my blog for a month..A month? I think many months already I not update my that's how it is...byebye =P

Just kidding..haha..and nows i want to say something about my friend that call 'Tut'. He is my friend since Form 1 until now..his personalities,not bad and know to care about our gang..but Now!! He suddenly fell in love with a girls that is nice, pretty, bla bla..I feel happy for him as I thought that he is not deep-loving person..But!! I'm wrong, he love that person very x1000 much and everydays just think about her..everytime when i turned my head to see him i will saw that he still watching and 'mengamati' the person that he loved..for me, maybe he is 'menghayati' her beauty..haha

Although he know that the girl dont like him,but he still not give up...From that time I know that he love that person very deep...I advise him to give up but his stubborness win against all my advise including my friends' advise..==
Many people already say something not good about him but he not care..He always say he know that the girl dont like him and always say that he just wanna be friend with her...really x1000 swt.....=.=

If i'm not wrong, everydays he will go view the girl's profile..view her blog,twitter, bla and bla and bla...she close the comment box he also close it, she play SDO he also ikut ikut play SDO...I really feel his actions really x 1000 not worth...because of her, he personalities change..I ask him then he say what so not good about his changes...have any ideas to answer him back?? ==
Here, I wanna say to him: Why because of her you change?? Your changes really mean that you are really weak!! This speech i got say to him but 'tidak kena layan' so I dont know how to stop his love rage...
That's all from me, hope he will realised that all he do towards to person he loved is just waste time...